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Book Writing

May 20th, 2020

Well I’m at it again, I’ve got a contract writing a cookbook on Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting.  

This time I’ve got the resources of a publishing company behind me, seems like the pain of self publishing a book paid off, not just in random pizzas (thanks to anyone here that bought it!) but also in exposure.  Proof that kind of effort is worth it (and thanks Guy for suggesting it!).

Once I’ve got a few more chapters done we’ll be announcing it formally, for now the paperwork is all signed (yay!) I just have to keep bashing out the words.

Anyone that knows me from work or online knows I love talking on chat, so the trick for me is to make writing as much fun as chatting to a colleague or a friend.

Oh and if anyone wants to drop a favourite trick in the area please do (you are all people that have taught me something).
